How to set the QGIS snapping options
Setting the QGIS snapping options is important. If you don’t you can create digitizing errors.
Setting the QGIS snapping options is important. If you don’t you can create digitizing errors.
Raster GIS and vector GIS operate differently and are used to address different types of geographical problems. […]
Here’s an overview five GIS data input techniques (ie. five ways to create a GIS map).
Custom GIS projects require custom map design. The design you use should be targeted to your audience. Cartography is the art of designing a map. There are some guiding principles.
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes Table of contentsGIS in AgricultureThree Strategic Uses for GIS in Agriculture#1 - Strategic Planning#2 - Water Management#3- Crop Suitability MappingPrecision Farming Use for GIS in
This is my complete digitizing course for QGIS. I show you how to Convert a Paper Map into a QGIS Map Using Equipment Every Office Has.
What is a GIS Analyst? In other posts I’ve talked about the many aspects of GIS, particularly the technology, issues with data, and the way GIS technology is used. In this
The GIS Analyst sits somewhere between the professional with problems that need to be mapped and GIS Professionals. A GIS Analyst needs to know enough about the problem being mapped
This is my first QGIS Tutorial. I show you how to install QGIS, find your way around the interface and how to shade a GIS map. Its a fantastic course for anyone who's not had much to do with GIS before.
Attention All Recent Graduates. Do you want to learn how to get your first job? Gain insights into what’s in a resume, what’s in a resume cover letter, what’s in a resume on LinkedIn, better techniques for finding jobs in job search engines, better interview techniques, being able to effectively negotiate your salary packages, and being the best you can be at professional networking.
For Attribute data, Data Currency and Data Consistency are very important concepts. When you’ve finished reading this post you’ll understand that you can't just pick up an old dataset and
In the video I tell the beginning of the story of how to overlay maps. I'll demonstrate one of the earliest examples of the strategic use of map overlay in
Its not always possible to get all the data you want for your project off-the-shelf. Archives and Old Reports are one of a number of incredibly important GIS data sources.
Click to download 86 page eBook for FREE Do you want to learn geocoding from scratch, step-by-step, using QGIS 3? I have over 5000 students enrolled in my three “GIS for Beginners”
Lets define GIS There are many ways to define GIS …and by GIS I mean a Geographical Information System. GIS combines spatial data (maps), temporal data (when things on a map
Map 1: What is a GIS map? A GIS map contains points, lines and polygons What is a GIS map? Its a digital map that has two important features… Coordinate system:
What determines the scale of a map in a Geographical Information System? There is a fantastic post about cartographic scale on the National Geographic site. The article makes the point
When choosing a GIS both Arc and QGIS are similarly functional. For most people, the choice between the two will boil down to personal preference and price.
Using 25km daily remote sensing grid cell data from a satellite mounted microwave sensor, National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) scientists have shown that the minimum extent of Arctic
Choropleth Map Data Classification A Choropleth Map is also known as a Shaded Map and a Thematic Map Today, I am going to talk about Choropleth Map Data Classification. This is a
Map 1: The earlier of two images on acid rain - 1985 Map 2: The latter of two images on acid rain - 2008 Time-series GIS mapping of a 25 year study of
What is Quantum GIS What is Quantum GIS (QGIS) - its a brand of Geographical Information System that is Open Source and so free. Its been around since around 2002 and
Geographic information system (GIS) technology can be used for a wide variety of applications. GIS can gather, manipulate, store, and analyze geographic data which makes it useful for government, researchers and business. Following are ten common uses for GIS...
What is Spatial Data The four simple map structures in a GIS are Points, Lines, Polylines and Polygons. If you were to on-screen digitize the figure above then each of the
Analysis of the census using GIS is an important geography career! Most countries around the world conduct a regular National Census. Censuses date back to biblical times. A big reason for them
This analysis of road patterns as a surrogate for land conservation is just one of many uses of GIS. In mid 2012, Google was approached by Kriton Arsenis, a Member of
A typical map storage facility. This one is from the US Library of Congress (photo Beatriz M Haspo, 2011) There will always be a place for paper maps because sometimes computer
The role of GIS in IT is as varied as the organizations that use GIS. Because there are such high upfront and ongoing costs to implementing a GIS (hardware, infrastructure, data
Geographic information system (GIS) technology can be used to gather, maintain, store, and analyze geographic information. It can be used to keep track of everything from property locations and utility